Appeal to Parents/Guardians during long holidays for their children

Martin Ongau Mokaya
3 min readJul 9, 2020


YAHUAH(GOD) through YAHUSHA(CHRIST) Created the heavens,the earth,the seas,the fountains of waters and the fulness therein(Ephesians 3:9;Hebrews 1:2;John 1:2;Genesis 1:26).He deserves continuous worship(Revelation 5:13) by all his creatures.

Parents/Guardians haven’t been used with staying with their children for long periods as have been the case during these pandemic times. Few parents/guardians have the time to monitor what their children are doing every day.Children are used being left with the house/home servants while they have gone to work. It is very true that "the buck stops with the parents/guardians" thus teachers/relatives/neighbors would not be blamed if one’s children become naughty. We indeed are in tough times economicwise but may we intentionally set aside time on a daily basis to nurture/guide our children. This too is an opportunity for the youth to study the word of GOD and learn a number of sacred hymns of worshipping GOD and CHRIST. This is an opportunity for parents to teach their children matters pertaining to eternal life. We appreciate all parents/guardians who are focussed in bringing up well rounded children able to discern good and evil especially as it relates to "thus said THE LORD". Perhaps parents/guardians can consider buying their children books(story books ,textbooks and revision guides for the current and subsequent grades/classes/forms). This is an opportunity for children to improve their language skills to assist them score highly in the national examinations. Moreover were the youth to do many maths practice questions (ahead of the teachers)they would definitely be well prepared for the examinations. The challenge I know some families could be facing relate to work security for their families during these long holiday periods. May GOD provide resources to meet our basic needs and wants. May we share that which we have with needy neighbors. During these covid-19 times it may not be advisable to host visitors/neighbors' children in one’s home. Let’s remember that prevention is better than cure and observing the World Health Organization guidelines (including social distancing,washing hands/using sanitizers,use of masks and working from home where possible) would certainly go a long way in reducing our chances of being infected. Parents/Guardians too need to monitor what their children are watching and listening to in the internet/television/phones/radios for they can easily be negatively influenced by the social media. Reggae,HipHopp, Dancehall,Rhumba and all secular music are bad music for the spiritual growth of the children. Let children listen/play pure gospel music. Moreover Children should be advised on the adverse effects of using drugs, tobacco and alcoholic products.Parents should look for for signs of of use of these unhealthy products and prevent their consumption. This especially is pertinent as pertains the teenagers.Parents/Guardians nee to often advise their children. Let’s remember that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop thus let’s keep our children busy even with house and compound tasks/chores. Let parents/guardians develop close relationships with their children. Encourage children to ask you questions especially as regards their bodies. Let mothers advise their daughters on necessity of keeping away from any form of intimacy from the boys to avoid cases of pregnancies which in turn can negatively affect their education. Let the fathers too guide their sons not to spoil the dreams of girls in advancing their education. Fornication leads to Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV. Let the children know that watching violence/pornographic/withcraft movies and films is dangerous for their spiritual growth. Let the young minds know that: you as the parent/guardian are his/her best friend in whom he/she can always trust to share his/her dreams/needs/wants/problems. Let our children not seek for help from their friends or the social media. Parents/Guardians should not allow their children to go out without their permission. Some children have joined devil worship because they disobeyed their parents/guardians/teachers:sneaking from homes/schools/colleges to unknown places with their friends. May parents/guardians strive above everything else to lead/inspire children to DESIRE TO INHERIT THE EVERLASTING KINGDOM OF GOD AND CHRIST. Let’s remind them that CHRIST went to prepare for us all everlasting mansions and he shall come again to take ALL PEOPLES AND CHILDREN WHOSE NAMES SHALL BE IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE to the glorious New Jerusalem and New Earth(Revelation 21:27;John 14:1–3). Here-below find a word of GOD based links(audio and written) on "steps to CHRIST" a useful redemption book for the teenagers and adults:



Martin Ongau Mokaya

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.