Martin Ongau Mokaya
2 min readJan 21, 2023

Factors showing soon advent of THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF THE HIGHEST (a)Wars/Battles(including Russia-Ukraine ongoing war(b)Political and Economic instabilities(c)Droughts/Famines(d)Cold love leading to suicides/homicides/deaths(e)Pandemics and Diseases(f)Natural disasters(floods,cyclones,earthquakes,hurricanes,tsunamis,climate changes) (g)Increased works of the flesh(including homosexuality,lesbianism,transgenderism, prostitution,adultery,fornication,sorcery,lying,cheating,anger,selfishness...) (h)breaking the 10 commandments (worshipping strange gods;bowing down to graven images of things and creatures in the universe;swearing by name of ALMIGHTY and HIS OWN SON in vanity;breaking the 7th day sabbath commandment;dishonoring our parents;taking lives of our neighbors; adultery;stealing;false-witnessing; covetousness) (i)Increased cases of Fraud(including corruption) (j)Love of sports more than OUR CREATOR AND REDEEMER (k)Love of secular entertainment more than OUR CREATOR AND REDEEMER (l)Loving secular music than gospel music (m)Loving secular movies more than gospel films (n)Reduced fellowshipping with other christians(o)Busy with secular activities and not finding time to sing for OUR CREATOR and REDEEMER(p)Busy with our own activities and thus unable to utilize the spiritual gifts and spiritual talents to glorify OUR CREATOR AND REDEEMER(q)Loving praise of men/women (r)Boasting of our achievements in the business,professional and academia areas (s)Boasting of our successes in the political arenas (t)returning meagre tithes and offerings (u)Investing heavily on our own personal projects at the expense of the kingdom of GOD(v) Unwillingness to invite THE SON OF MAN to take charge of our lives every moment of our lives (w) Unwillingness to forego ungodly leisures and pleasures because of unwillingness to totally surrender our lives unto THE SON OF THE HIGHEST (y) Unwillingness to make up our minds that we want to inherit the glorious kingdom of OUR FATHER WHO ARE IN HEAVEN’S and HIS DEAR BELOVED SON’S (z) Lukewarmness in our lives;wanting to be loved by the world and be loved by christians

Martin Ongau Mokaya
Martin Ongau Mokaya

Written by Martin Ongau Mokaya

Enthusiastic Writer (Appointed by OUR HEAVENLY FATHER in HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN DEAR BELOVED SON’S name) of the Everlasting Gospel to all the world.

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