GOD urgently requests we breathing on earth to seek him by CHRIST JESUS while he can be found for soon the mercy door(mlango wa rehema)shall be closed(Revelation 22:11).I often hear the still small voice of CHRIST JESUS by HIS SPIRIT asking me to surrender totally unto him every moment I am breathing so that I may be sure of inheriting the glorious everlasting kingdom wherein there shall be genuine:happiness,joy,gladness, peace and WORSHIPPING OF GOD WHO SITS UPON THE THRONE and THE LAMB JESUS CHRIST for ever and ever.CHRIST JESUS challenges us not to allow anything/anyone to make us postpone BEING BORN AGAIN IN SPIRIT AND WATER(John 3:3,5;Acts 2:38)and thus WORSHIPPING GOD in SPIRIT and TRUTH(John 4:23–24).THE LORD OF THE SABBATH(Matthew 12:8;Mark 2:27–28;Luke 6:5) is pleading for us before THE FATHER in the heavenly sanctuary.Soon he shall remove the high priestly robes and put on the kingly garments shortly before his AWESOME SECOND COMING to this earth (upon being SENT BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER) to reap the harvest of souls.The BIG QUESTION is:shall your/my name be found RETAINED IN THE LAMB’S BOOK OF LIFE(Revelation 21:27) when he comes in order to gain access to THE NEW JERUSALEM or not???????Whether we like it or not some day THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD(Matthew 16:16) shall pass judgement in our favor or against us.May we individually be found fit to inherit the kingdom of heaven(Matthew 6:26,32). THE HIGH PRIEST AND MEDIATOR JESUS CHRIST(Hebrews 12:24;1Timothy 2:5)reminds us that the riches/wealth of this world are incomparable with the everlasting riches of the kingdom of GOD!He advises us that by HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD even of A LAMB WITHOUT BLEMISH AND WITHOUT SPOT(1Peter 1:19) all human beings desirous of inheriting the kingdom of GOD are reconciled UNTO GOD(2Corinthians 5:20).What must you/I do to inherit indescribable unshakeable eternal kingdom(Daniel 2:44–45)?We only need to CONFESS with our mouth THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and BELIEVE in our hearts that GOD RAISED CHRIST JESUS FROM THE DEAD(Romans 10:9).And if we ABIDE IN THE TRUE VINE and thus in THE VINEDRESSER we shall bear much fruit(John 15:5).If we KEEP CHRIST’S COMMANDMENTS(Exodus 20:1–17) we shall ABIDE IN HIS LOVE even as he(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST) kept HIS FATHER’S COMMANDMENTS and ABIDES IN HIS LOVE(John 15:10).With the MIND we SERVE THE LAW OF GOD but with the flesh the law of sin(Romans 7:25).For the wages of sin is death(eternal) but the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.(Romans 6:23). JESUS CHRIST answered and said unto her,If thou(you) knewest THE GIFT OF GOD and who it is that saith(said) to thee(you),Give me to drink;thou wouldest(would) HAVE ASKED OF HIM and HE WOULD HAVE GIVEN THEE(YOU) LIVING WATER(John 4:10).Ho,every one that thirsts,come you to the waters,and he/she that has no money,COME you,BUY and EAT;yea,COME,buy wine and milk WITHOUT PRICE.Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread?and your labour for that WHICH SATISFIED NOT?HEARKEN DILIGENTLY UNTO ME(THE SON OF GOD),and eat you that which is GOOD,and let your soul delight in fatness.Incline your ear,COME UNTO ME:HEAR,and YOUR SOUL SHALL LIVE;and I will MAKE AN EVERLASTING COVENANT WITH YOU,even the sure mercies of David(Isaiah 55:1–3).