Prayer unto THE HOLY FATHER in THE HOLY ONE AND JUST’S name for Ukraine: OUR FATHER WHO ARE IN HEAVEN in YOUR OWN REAL BELOVED ONLY BEGOTTEN LORD OF THE 7TH DAY SABBATH SON’S name we acknowledge with absolute confidence in thee and thy SON that you are worthy to be blessed,praised and worshipped by mortal beings (desirous of inheriting your glorious everlasting kingdom) and the angels and elders and the living creatures for ever and ever. We appreciate your awesome, great and excellent works of creation of the heavens,the earth,the seas and the fulness therein. We are grateful unto thee for the plan of redemption and the gift of redemption. We are thankful unto thee for the breath of life. We are thankful unto thee for empowering and continuing to empower innumerable number of souls here on earth (including in Ukraine) to be born again and worship thee in spirit and truth and to desire to complete their journeys here on earth in YAHUSHA (JESUS) and thus have the blessed hope of inheriting your inestimable indescribable indestructible glorious everlasting kingdom that resurrection day when you send THE KING OF KINGS AND LORDS to this earth to separate the sheep from the goats and take the saints(sheep) your heavenly home. Guided by your spirit(which too is YOUR OWN SON’S spirit), in unison with our neighbors on earth including in Ukraine we confess YOUR OWN REAL BELOVED ONLY BEGOTTEN SON as our lord and savior;we believe you raised THE LORD OF THE 7TH DAY SABBATH from the grave;we believe his PRECIOUS BLOOD washes away all iniquities, transgressions and sins committed knowingly and unknowingly. We repent and confess all trespasses and unrighteousness. We’re grateful unto thee for assuring all we are born again (including our neighbors in Ukraine) that you’ve forgiven us of iniquities, transgressions and sins committed. THE HOLY FATHER in THE HOLY ONE AND THE JUST’S name we acknowledge that you know all your childrens' and peoples' (including Ukranians) needs,wants and thoughts. In unison with Ukrainians and Russians we are believing you for: an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine;peace and tranquility in Ukraine not according to our will but according to your holy will and loving-kindness. Even as we commune with thee OUR NO.1 EVERLASTING FRIEND in OUR HIGH PRIEST’S AND MEDIATOR’S name we acknowledge that you prophesied through YOUR SON that there would be wars and rumours of wars before the 2nd awesome advent of YOUR OWN REAL SON. THE MOST HIGH in THE SON OF MAN’S name we are pleading for your intervention in the ongoing battle for the sake of Ukranians who have not been born again;that they may get time to be reconciled with thee through YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON while your mercy door is still open. We too are pleading with thee that you may touch the heart of Putin and empower him to stop the invasion. We 100% trust thee OUR MAKER AND REDEEMER when you say in your holy scriptures:"ask and it shall be given,seek and you shall find,knock and it shall be opened unto you"(Matthew 7:7);"If we abide in you, and your words abide in us, we shall ask what we will, and it shall be done unto us"(John 15:7); "Behold, your hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither your ear heavy, that it cannot hear;But our iniquities have separated us and thee our ELOHIM, and our sins have hid your face from us, that you will not hear(Isaiah 59:1,2);"
But let us ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he/she that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed’’(James 1:6);"
We ask, and receive not, because we ask amiss, that we may consume it upon our lusts"(James 4:3);"
Behold, you are the YAHUAH, the ELOHIM of all flesh: there is nothing too hard for thee"(Jeremiah 32:27). Thank you THE FATHER OF LIGHTS WITHOUT VARIABLENESS in THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD’S name for answering your childrens' and peoples' prayer requests for peace and tranquility in Ukraine not according to our wishes but ACCORDING TO YOUR HOLY WILL AND LOVING-KINDNESS. For thine THE KING ETERNAL INVINCIBLE IMMORTAL OMNISCIENT OMNIPRESENT OMNIPOTENT THE ONLY WISE ALUAHYM in THE KING OF KINGS AND LORDS name is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever.